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2018-04-30 03:00

LAST WORDS: The mother of deceased fire captain Lee Han-lin said that he had prepared dinner for her before heading for work, telling her to heat it up as he left homeBy Chen Yun, Wei Chin-yun and William Hetherington / Staff reporters, with staff writer and CNAAn inferno ripped through a printed circuit board factory in Taoyuan on Saturday night, killing five firefighters and two Thai workers, and injuring seven firefighters, the Taoyuan Fire Department said yesterday.Fire Department Chief Hu Ying-ta (胡英達) said the department received a call at 9:26pm about a fire at the Chin Poon Industrial Co (敬鵬工業) factory.The department sent 189 firefighters, including 55 volunteers, and 67 fire trucks, as well as ambulances, Hu said.An initial investigation showed that the fire started on the fifth floor of the third factory building, he said.Firefighters arriving at the scene at 9:30pm learned that some workers were trapped inside, but their exact location was unknown, the department said, adding that the fire quickly spread on the factory’s first and second floors.Firefighters led by captains Yu Yao-yang (游曜陽) and Lee Han-lin (李翰霖) entered the factory at 9:35pm, it said.Su Wen-yuan (蘇文遠), auxiliary captain at Taoyuan’s Shanfeng (山峰) fire department, said department group leader Chen Hung-chuan (陳宏銓) discovered at about 9:55pm that a furnace had split at the back of the factory, burning down the entire back wall, and that the building was about to collapse.Chen ordered firefighters to exit the factory immediately, Su said, adding that firefighter Yu Yao-yang (游曜陽) had twice responded over the radio that he received the order, but was later trapped and could not escape the blaze.Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦), who was at the scene to coordinate firefighting and relief efforts, said the firefighters died after becoming trapped under heavy machinery.Some firefighters were also injured by acids or other chemicals stored at the factory, and have been hospitalized.Lu Tsung-yu (呂宗郁), the first fireman to be rescued yesterday, was found at 00:50am and firefighter Lin Wei-hsi (林尉熙) was found at about 4am, the fire department said, adding that both were hospitalized in serious condition.The fallen firefighters are: Yu, Lee, Lin Po-ting (林伯庭), Yu Po-yu (游博瑜) and Yu Chia-sheng (余佳昇), the department said.Information about the identities of the two migrant workers who died had yet to be disclosed, it said.While the fire had been brought under control, the factory was still smoldering and plumes of smoke were still rising from the building at about 4:30pm, the Taoyuan Department of Environmental Protection’s Environmental Inspection section chief Chang Shu-hao (張書豪) said.The factory passed a fire safety inspection on Dec. 21 last year, Hu said.The cause of the blaze is under investigation, and the department said large amounts of various types of chemicals, including highly flammable and explosive materials, were stored at the factory.FAREWELLFamily members of the deceased firefighters visited the factory at 4pm, offering prayers and calling for the departed to “return home.”The mother of firefighter Lee, who was 44, said he had prepared dinner for her before heading to work on Saturday.She never thought that “Do not forget to heat up the food” would be his last words to her, she added.Meanwhile, the environmental protection department yesterday said the inferno did not cause serious air pollution, but the company could face a fine of up to NT$3 million (US$101,228) for causing river pollution.The chemical materials stored at the factory have leaked into sewage ducts, and water samples taken from under the Jhennan Bridge (鎮南橋) were found to have highly acidic pH yesterday morning, Chang said.The Laojie Creek (老街溪) flowing through Pingjhen District (平鎮) and Jhongli District(中壢) was already polluted, he said, urging local residents not to use the river’s water.Additional reporting by Lin Chia-nan and Lee Jung-ping新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

教育部昨晚駁回管中閔任台大校長遴選案,對此管中閔今( 28 )日首度透過個人臉書專頁PO文發聲,強調今年4月27日是台灣高等教育的一個轉折點,臺灣大學的校史,以及中華民國的歷史,都將記下這個日子。

管中閔說,就在這一天,教育部否定了臺灣大學校長遴選委員會於今年 1 月 5 日合法選出的新任校長資格,既無視 1 月 31 日遴選委員會針對校長遴選結果所做「毫無疑義」的決議,更漠視 3 月 24 日臺大臨時校務會議對於質疑遴選過程的提案所做「擱置」的決議。「這是臺灣爭取大學自治歷程中的重大挫敗,教育部的這項決定也將因違法踐踏大學自治而被載入史冊。」




2018 年 4 月 27 日是臺灣高等教育的一個轉折點,臺灣大學的校史,以及中華民國的歷史,都將記下這個日子。

就在這一天,教育部否定了臺灣大學校長遴選委員會於今年 1 月 5 日合法選出的新任校長資格,既無視 1 月 31 日遴選委員會針對校長遴選結果所做「毫無疑義」的決議,更漠視 3 月 24 日臺大臨時校務會議對於質疑遴選過程的提案所做「擱置」的決議。這是臺灣爭取大學自治歷程中的重大挫敗,教育部的這項決定也將因違法踐踏大學自治而被載入史冊。

從 1 月 10 日臺大函請教育部聘任新校長開始,在長達 107 天的期間內,教育部在行政上荒腔走板,令人駭異。教育部配合部分媒體,一再以「據報載」為理由(最近一次甚至列出高達 49 項傳言),反覆質疑臺大的遴選程序與結果。教育部既不願採納臺大的調查結果,以及第三方的正式函覆說明,反而羅織罪名來否定臺大合法的遴選結果;如今更自居司法官,未審即判定校長當選人有「違法」事證。教育部種種作為,能不「外慚清議,內疚神明」嗎?


有學校老師問我,在面對持續數月的毀滅式攻擊時,我是否曾經感到害怕?Yes, "most terribly",我的確因此而身心俱疲。但我也知道不能因為龐大壓力而放棄,更不能在威脅恐嚇下低頭。我若放棄,多年來學界前輩們努力爭取的大學自治就將成為泡影;我一旦低頭,社會或許就此萬馬齊喑,重新墜入威權的深淵。所以我的堅持從來不是為了校長這個職位,而是為了大學自治得以延續,以及臺灣曾經信仰的公義和正直能夠伸張。



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